WordPress database error: [Table 'u568449453_a2zfine_a2zpak.wpua_hfcm_scripts' doesn't exist] SELECT * FROM `wpua_hfcm_scripts` WHERE status='active' AND device_type!='mobile' AND location='header'
WordPress database error: [Table 'u568449453_a2zfine_a2zpak.wpua_hfcm_scripts' doesn't exist] SELECT * FROM `wpua_hfcm_scripts` WHERE status='active' AND device_type!='mobile' AND location NOT IN ( 'header', 'footer' )
For me, it’s not so much about chasing a commission on a one-time deal as keeping a happy client for a lifetime. One of my most memorable transactions and proudest moments as a Realand was when I negotiated a deal with a seller to work with my buyers while I listed their current home. I helped the buyer and his pregnant wife get their current home into escrow with an offer above asking in less than two weeks and into their new home 2 weeks after that. This was also during the holidays when lenders and title companies normally take longer to close transactions. My clients were happy to move into their new home just in time for their new baby!
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WordPress database error: [Table 'u568449453_a2zfine_a2zpak.wpua_hfcm_scripts' doesn't exist] SELECT * FROM `wpua_hfcm_scripts` WHERE status='active' AND device_type!='mobile' AND location='footer'